To work with World Edit get yourself a wooden axe and right/left click on a block to set your selection corners.
Table of contents#
Most common commands//line [ID]
-- draws a line between your first position and your second position
//replace [ID_A] [ID_B]
-- replaces block A with block B
//fill [ID] [radius]
-- fills an area with a custom block in a custom radius on the height your standing (Be careful with the radius. 50 is enough)
//stack [amount] [direction]
-- stacks your selection a custom times in any direction
//move [amount] [direction]
-- moves your selection x blocks in any direction
To set your direction use βupβ, βdownβ, βsouthβ, βeastβ, βwestβ or βnorthβ
To see the block-ID, press F3+H
Copy & Paste//copy
-- copies your selection from the point where you're standing
-m [ID]
-- just copy the written ID
-- cuts your selection from the point where you're standing
-- pastes your selection
-- pastes without air
-- moves your selection to the point where you paste it
Edit Clipboard//rotate [0-360]
-- rotates your clipboard (use 90,180,270 to rotate 90 degrees)
-- mirrors your clipboard
Selection commandsTo make your selection visible download WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3. You'll find a link in πbuilder-infos
//sel cuboid
-- select shapes, default
//sel poly
-- select shapes
//sel convex
-- select shapes
//expand [amount] [direction]
-- expands your selection in any direction
//contract [amount] [direction]
-- contracts your selection in any direction
//shift [amount] [direction]
-- moves only your selection in any direction
Special Block IDs43:8
-- smooth stone slab
-- smooth sandstone slab
-- brown mushroom block
-- red mushroom block
-- white mushroom block
-- six side wood log
Change biomeWith the command //setbiome [biome]
the colors of grass, water and other natural materials can be adjusted. After a rejoin, the colors are changed. Here is an example image of the biomes: